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বর্জ্য তাপ পুনরুদ্ধার ইউনিট
মোবাইল সিপ স্টেশন
KimHello, I got the goods this morning. Very good quality. Thank you so much for doing business with me and you are so patient and clear on explanation.
Johnny CisnerosOne of the great positives in working with you and the company you work for is your response back to emails and your professionalism.
ব্যক্তি যোগাযোগ :
Charlie Zha
ফোন নম্বর :
Energy Efficient Diesel Heating Hot Air Furnace For Chemical / Food Industry
Metal: | SUS304 SUS310S , CS |
Heating source: | Steam / natural gas / diesel / etc; |
Capacity: | 300,000-7,000,000kcal |
Coal Direct Vent Forced Hot Air Gas Furnace With Cooling Unit High Efficiency
Metal: | SUS304 SUS310S , CS |
Heating source: | Steam / natural gas / diesel / etc; |
Capacity: | 300,000-7,000,000kcal |
Saw Dust Natural Gas Forced Hot Air Furnace 300000 - 7000000kcal Capacity
Metal: | SUS304 SUS310S , CS |
Heating source: | Steam / natural gas / diesel / etc; |
Capacity: | 300,000-7,000,000kcal |
High Temperature Forced Hot Air LPG Gas Furnace Stainless Steel / Carbon Steel
Metal: | SUS304 SUS310S , CS |
Heating source: | Steam / natural gas / diesel / etc; |
Capacity: | 300,000-7,000,000kcal |
Customized Burner Palm Fiber Hot Air Furnace , Electric Forced Air Furnace
Metal: | SUS304 SUS310S , CS |
Heating source: | Steam / natural gas / diesel / etc; |
Capacity: | 300,000-7,000,000kcal |
Steam / Natural Gas Forced Hot Air Heating Furnace For Pharmaceutical Industry
Metal: | SUS304 SUS310S , CS |
Heating source: | Steam / natural gas / diesel / etc; |
Capacity: | 300,000-7,000,000kcal |
Direct Heavy Oil Fired Forced Hot Air Furnace Low Oil Consumption
Metal: | SUS304 SUS310S , CS |
Heating source: | Steam / natural gas / diesel / etc; |
Capacity: | 300,000-7,000,000kcal |
Stainless Steel High Efficiency Oil Furnace Forced Hot Air High Performance
Metal: | SUS304 SUS310S , CS |
Heating source: | Steam / natural gas / diesel / etc; |
Capacity: | 300,000-7,000,000kcal |
Industrial Natural Gas Hot Air Furnace , Forced Hot Air Propane Furnace
Metal: | SUS304 SUS310S , CS |
Heating source: | Steam / natural gas / diesel / etc; |
Capacity: | 300,000-7,000,000kcal |
Direct Vent Forced Hot Air Natural Biomass Gas Furnace , Forced Hot Air Oil Furnace
Metal: | SUS304 SUS310S , CS |
Heating source: | Steam / natural gas / diesel / etc; |
Capacity: | 300,000-7,000,000kcal |